Time for Celebrations!

It certainly is time for celebrations, as I have been offered and accepted a new job.  There are many, many reasons this calls for celebrations, but these are the main ones:

  1. I will be shaving 68 MILES off of my daily round-trip commute.  Not only will I finally be able to put months and months of extreme fatigue behind me, but I won’t have to cough up $20 in gas a day just to get to and from work.
  2. My new job is a promotion both in terms of salary and title.  I’m not fixated on either, but both are very nice perks, to be sure.
  3. I will be returning to a career in my original field of study after a prolonged absence…nine years, to be exact.  If I ever hoped to go back, it was pretty much now or never.
  4. I will no longer be required to wear a tie every day.  I don’t mind wearing a tie every now and then, but now that it’s getting to be summer and triple-digits are fast approaching, I’m much less likely to sweat myself into spontaneous combustion while in business casual attire.
  5. My new job is located close enough to my mother’s place of employment that we can now carpool to and from work.  This really is a good thing.  Really.  I’m not just trying to convince myself.
  6. Health and dental insurance take effect as of my first day of employment.  I had to wait 90 days for it to kick in at the last job.  Suffice it to say that my household has its fair share of prescriptions to fill on a recurring basis.
  7. Last, but most certainly not least, the time I save by not spending up to four hours a day in rush hour traffic should free me up to start posting somewhat regularly to this blog again.

And isn’t that really the greatest gift of all?

One Response to “Time for Celebrations!”

  1. lmao, those separated at birth pix are just great! nice job lol

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